Versatile software

CR-Next OS.15-15

CR-Next is a powerful and versatile software that has been specially developed for working with electromagnetic fuel injectors. It provides comprehensive instructions for assembly, measurements and settings of CR electromagnetic injectors and UI. The main functions of CR-Next are listed below:

1. Assembly and measurements for Bosch electromagnetic fuel injectors (STEP3).
CR-Next supports detailed assembly instructions and precise measurements for Bosch electromagnetic fuel injectors. The programme guides the user step by step through the assembly process (STEP 3) and ensures that all parameters are set correctly.

2. Interface for controlling the Valve Tester V2.
CR-Next integrates seamlessly with the Valve Tester V2 and allows easy control of the device. The program displays the measurement results in real time and offers extensive documentation options so that the user can save and analyse the data. This feature ensures that all measurements are accurate and traceable.

3. Graph formation when measuring the GDP and electric current of a solenoid.
Another central function of CR-Next is the graphical representation of the measurements. The programme creates detailed graphs to represent the Begin of Injection (BIP) and the electric current of a solenoid. This visual representation allows the user to understand complex data briefly and assists in the diagnosis and optimisation of injection injectors.

4. Database creation
Although CR-Next does not currently have an integrated database, it offers users the possibility to create one within the programme. This feature allows users to systematically store, manage and retrieve all relevant data when needed, significantly improving the efficiency and traceability of work.

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