Grinding Machine


This is a versatile machine that allows you to perform all tasks when repairing nozzles and valves from manufacturers Bosch, Denso, Delphi.

Installed on the spindle are a block of two abrasive stones. For each operation an easily replaceable plate is used — a tool holder. This solution allows you to grind with a preset angle relative to the stone and to avoid complex machine adjustments for different operations. It also made it possible to avoid complex machine upgrades when there is a need for grinding new products; for this, it is now possible to simply purchase an additional plate for a specific operation.

With this machine it is possible to restore the spray needle, Bosch piezo valve pin, Delphi CR valve pin, Denso G2P valve pin. The microscope and instruments (collets and center holders) are not included and must be ordered separately.

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