Device for electromagnetic injectors

Valve tester V2 - OS.111

Valve Tester  controller is an electronic device that measures electrical parameters of solenoid of electrically controlled injector any type (Common Rail, UIS, HEUI, etc.) and any manufacturer.
The device allows:
— measuring the operating current of the solenoid.
— indirect measurement of the air gap of the solenoid valve.
— solenoid inductance measurement.
— solenoid active resistance measurement.
— solenoid insulation resistance measurement.
The Valve Tester allows you to tune the control solenoid to ensure that it operates in the same way for all engine cylinders (to ensure smooth engine operation). The operating parameters of the control solenoid valve are among the basic parameters (along with the hydraulic parameters of the metering device and the compression value in the cylinders) and directly affect the uniformity of fuel delivery and the uniformity of engine rotation.

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